Council News

Council Meeting Messages August 2022

Posted on July 29, 2022 in: Council News

Council Meeting Messages August 2022

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August 2022 Council Meeting Message

As I write this, we have scores of people in the Supreme Office and around our jurisdictions who are preparing for the Supreme Convention. It’s an exciting time because many accomplishments of the past year will be recognized. All of you, the members of this council, and the members of the other councils I serve, can take great pride in playing a part of these successes.

I congratulate all of you for your dedication to our first principle, charity, and reaching so many in need both here at home and around the world. While we have helped many right here, you have responded generously to help our brother Knights and their families in Ukraine and our brother Knights in Poland who have been critical in providing for so many refugees. Our Order, started by a simple and humble parish priest, who is on the path to sainthood, was to provide for both the spiritual and temporal needs of his flock. You are helping to do that today.

When people in the local community think about the Knights of Columbus, they may have some general notion about all these good works we do and the Order’s amazing impact around the world. But to the local parish and the community, you represent the Order. When you are volunteering at a Special Olympics event, when you are visiting the sick, helping your pastor, handing out coats for kids, selling Tootsie Rolls, raising money for a charitable cause right here in your own backyard—this is what people see, they see you; to them you are what it means to be a Knight of Columbus. When you lead with faith, protect your family, serve others, and defend your values, you are a witness inspired by our founding principles.

I look forward to next month when we can see the actual impact as outlined in the Supreme Knight’s Report at the convention. But even with a report of all that has been accomplished, let’s not lose sight that our work is not done. We have challenges every day and I am pleased to be assigned to this council and help further the vision of Blessed Michael McGivney.

Vivat Jesus

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