General News

Mother Teresa: No Greater Love Tops $1.2M at the Box Office

Posted on October 13, 2022 in: General News

Mother Teresa: No Greater Love Tops $1.2M at the Box Office

Revenue from the K of C-produced documentary will go to charity and efforts to advance Mother Teresa’s legacy


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Mother Teresa: No Greater Love, the documentary produced by the Knights of Columbus on the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the work of the religious order she founded, the Missionaries of Charity, was a box office hit during its Oct. 3-4 U.S. theatrical release, earning more than $1.2 million. An encore presentation in U.S. theaters, and debut in Canada and the United Kingdom, will take place Nov. 2.

Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, an executive producer of the film, announced that the Order will allocate all revenue from ticket sales for charitable purposes and efforts to advance the legacy of Mother Teresa.

“I’m delighted that Mother Teresa: No Greater Love is resonating with so many audiences across the country,” said Supreme Knight Kelly. “When Mother Teresa was feeding the hungry or holding the hand of someone as they lay dying, she was treating them as she would the most important person in her life, Jesus Christ himself. Our hope is that this film will inspire a new generation to carry on her mission and support the order she founded.”

Fathom Events, the film’s distributor, has added new screenings in the U.S., U.K. and Canada on Wednesday, Nov. 2, and a Spanish-dubbed version in the U.S. on Monday, Nov. 7.

“It is so important that this film be seen by as many people as possible, so we’re excited to have the opportunity to expand both the dates and footprint for it,” said Ray Nutt, CEO of Fathom Events. “In addition to that, we’re going to provide a Spanish-language version so that we can expand Mother Teresa’s message of hope and love to the Spanish-speaking community.”

Produced by the Knights of Columbus, filmed on five continents and featuring unprecedented access to both institutional archives and the apostolates of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa: No Greater Love chronicles the life of Mother Teresa and the profound spiritual and physical impact she and the Missionaries of Charity have had — and continue to have — throughout the world. The documentary also addresses Mother Teresa’s reported periods of spiritual darkness while serving the poorest of the poor, and her friendship with another beloved saint of recent times, Pope John Paul II.

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