Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin

WY Cowboy Bulletin Feb. 2023

Posted on January 31, 2023 in: Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin

WY Cowboy Bulletin Feb. 2023


1st Annual Blazing Saddles Chili-Cook off and Pony Racing

Where: Powell Eagles Hall, 131 N. Clark St.
When: February 18th 2023
Time: 2:00- bring chili and put on the finishing touches
3:00- doors open to the public, Drinks, Chili, Hot Dogs, Snacks
3:00-3:30 Jockey sign up for racing
3:30- Chili judging takes place
4:00- Pony races start
Kids of every age can participate
Free racing starts, Kids are placed for Calcutta Races
5:00- Calcutta racing starts for championships, trophies awarded
6:00- Announce the Chili winners, trophy awarded
6:15- Band and Music starts

How the Chili works: Community/Fraternal Organizations bring your pot of chili to the Eagles before 3:00. You can put on the finishing touches then if need be. Judging will take place at 3:30. Judges will be inde-pendent people from the Community. Your team member cannot be a Judge. Please enter and have a fun evening. Chili winner can be the featured chili for next year (but no obligation). All proceeds go to Knights of Columbus Charities.

To enter the Chili Cook-off call Kevin Finn @ 262-3140 or Brian Duyck @ 272-7779

How the racing works: Join us on Saturday, February 18th for a fun, family friendly fundraising event! Kids (and adults)! Race the mechanical Ponies, race entrants are auctioned off, and auction winners take the jackpot!! FREE ADMISSION! Food and drinks available on site to purchase. Proceeds go to Knights of Co-lumbus Charities. For more information, search for our event page on Facebook: “Powell Pony Race” or email: aespiering@gmail.com

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