
Council Messages Feb 2023

Posted on February 06, 2023 in: Council News

Council Messages Feb 2023

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Council Meeting Message February 2023 

During the month of February and especially around Valentine’s Day, we spend a lot of time thinking about our loved ones. We do much more than think about loved ones at Valentine’s Day; we give flowers and chocolates and send greeting cards. Why all the fuss? To show our love, of course! But have you ever considered that you should insure your love? 

That’s really what insurance is all about. Why does a member buy life insurance? Because he loves someone. He buys life insurance because he loves a wife or children. He doesn’t want his loved ones to experience a lack of money if he is not there to provide for them. He wants to make sure his family can stay in the same home they love; he wants to make sure his children will have the college education they will need; he wants to ensure that his daughter will have the wedding she’s always dreamed of; he wants his family to continue to live the lifestyle he’s been able to provide.

In addition to life insurance the Knights of Columbus offers long-term care insurance, disability income insurance, and retirement annuities. All of these, like life insurance, help insure your love. Need extended care? Long-term care coverage can help. Can’t work because of illness or injury? Disability income insurance can provide for some family necessities until you can work again. Want guaranteed interest on your retirement savings? An annuity might be right for you. All these products can helped insure your love. 

So go ahead and buy that box of chocolates, get a beautiful arrangement of flowers or a dozen roses and include a card; but then sit down with me and with your wife and let me show you how you can insure your love. 

Vivat Jesus


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