We are very happy to invite you to register for a special presentation. On Monday, March 27th, at 8pm, we will broadcast a Lenten Evening of Recollection with Fr. Innocent Montgomery, CFR. Fr. Innocent's remarks for the evening are titled, "Remain here, and watch with me." (Matt. 26:38): Walking the Way of the Cross united to Jesus.
Fr. Innocent's presentation aims to invite Knights to accompany Jesus during His Passion rather than be mere bystanders. He wants men to experience the Passion not as an abstract ideal but as a personal encounter with the Lord Who loves them.
To learn more about Fr. Innocent and to register, please click the link below.
Register for the Broadcast
Even if you cannot watch the broadcast, registering will enable you to view the presentation on demand. It will be an excellent way to prepare for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter.
Join us for this first-of-its-kind KofC event. Please register today.