Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin

Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin June 2023

Posted on June 01, 2023 in: Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin

Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin June 2023

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Brother Knights:
I want to thank all of you for your vote of confidence in electing me your new
State Deputy. I would like to thank Ron Morris for his 2 years of service to the State as
State Deputy. Of course, June is election month. All Councils should be holding elections
and reporting them to Supreme form #185. Also help your Grand Knight find volunteers
for the Service Program Personnel form #365. Please, Financial Secretaries get
those forms to Jim and I, so we have a record of them. You must send them to me,
submitting them to Supreme does not get them to us.

Silver Rose is finishing up going through the State in the Southwest corner. Thank
Norm for years of service heading up that program. June 24 is the one-year anniversary
of Roe V Wade being overturned. Please say a prayer in thanks for this wonderful
event. Summer meeting is taking place I Riverton on June 23-25. Also plan for your District
Deputy to install Council officers in July. I am heading to New Haven June 8th for
the summer meeting at Supreme. I will be a very rewarding experience for Lisa and I.

Once again, thank you for your vote of confidence.


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