
September Council Meeting

Posted on August 30, 2023 in: Council News

September Council Meeting

Fr. McGivney lived both the social and the financial insecurity of a desperate family, with the breadwinner suddenly taken, that had to be supported. He left the seminary to work and support his mother and siblings. As a pastor, he didn’t want other Catholic families to find themselves in such a predicament. That, and uniting men of faith, was the impetus for establishing our Order. Everyone who joined in those first years was insured; that was part and parcel of being in the organization. Now every member has a choice. I’d like every member to know what we do, and how we do it. Here’s the process I use when I meet with families:

  1. Discover – Identify their current insurance situation and financial goals
  2. Gather Data – Collect facts & figures based on their current situation
  3. Analyze – Conduct an Insurance Needs Analysis (Input data, run calculations, identify shortfalls)…

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