Summer is a time of transition for many people. You may know someone who recently graduated high school or college and is now heading into the workforce. Or you may know a couple who is getting married this summer. These are all joyous occasions that we can celebrate.
At the same time, certain stress can come with any life transition. For a graduate, entering the workforce can take some adjustment. And marrying is certainly one of the biggest life adjustments people can experience. Before long, they may be welcoming children or looking to finance a house.
Any transition in your life is a good time to think about your financial situation and your loved ones who depend on you.
Though life insurance may be the last thing on a young adult’s mind, it may be the perfect life stage to start preparing financially for the future. The younger you are, the more affordable permanent life insurance can be, and the simpler the underwriting process is. At a younger age, you’re less likely to have health or medical problems that could make coverage more expensive.
This summer, no matter where you are in your journey through life -- whether you’re undergoing a life transition, or you simply feel that now is the time to think about your financial future -- I encourage you to make an appointment with me. I will be happy to discuss your options with you. Vivat Jesus!
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New Haven, CT 06510
1-800-380-9995. 20113
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