
Easter Mass

Posted on April 15, 2022 in: Catholic Life

Easter Mass


Easter Sunday (formally known as “Sunday of the Resurrection”) is the holiest day of the year in the Catholic faith and of its Liturgical year. The Easter mass is said the morning of Easter Sunday and the Eucharist is to be received after the sun rises. Some masses begin just before sunrise so that as mass is said, and the Eucharist is consecrated the sun is coming up. Traditionally mass is therefore said throughout the morning until noontime of Easter Day. It is the final third day in the three days of Easter Triduum (see Easter Triduum info here).

The Easter feast recounts the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and how his disciples on the Sunday after his Crucifixion come to find the tomb, they buried Him in empty after three days had passed since His death. The stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb had been rolled back by an angel, but when they look into the newly opened tomb there is no body. The angel tells those first few disciples who arrive at that time that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead and taken on new life as Risen Lord. They are told to tell the Apostles what they have seen and heard. They are also told by the angel that the risen Lord will appear to the Apostles in Galilee. On their way back to tell the Apostles the disciples run into someone they think is a gardener in the cemetery garden. They come to realize though after talking with Him that he really is Jesus Christ. Just when they realize it, He disappears, but only after he tells them to be sure to have the Apostles go back to Galilee so He can meet them. The disciples shortly thereafter find the Apostles as instructed and tell them about Jesus being alive. At first the Apostles all do not all believe them.

Eventually Jesus Christ will appear to the all the Apostles though and they will come to believe in His Resurrection. Jesus Christ is fully revealed to be the Son of the Father and part of the blessed Trinity as God Himself. His death and Resurrection was for our salvation and forgiveness of sins. We, his disciples today, share in new life in the risen Christ in our Baptism. This is the good news and saving message we are asked to be witnesses to today and every day. Rejoice for He is risen. The Lord Jesus is the Christ. Alleluia!


Remember to spend time with the risen Lord today rejoicing in his saving work by participating in mass if you have not done so already today.

Also, if you have never watched the Word on Fire series from Bishop Robert Barron here is your chance to check that out. Bishop Barron holds a wonderful online daily mass, and his YouTube page can be found here

Both are wonderful ways to spend Easter with your loved ones and the Lord. The Last Seven Words of Jesus talk is one that was conducted at St. Patrick’s Cathedral some time ago by Bishop Barron. It is a long, but very good talk about what Christ did for us on His cross.

We hope this series helped you to stay close to the Lord this Lent and Easter. Vivat Jesus!

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad" (Ps 118:24).

Wishing you and your family a most joyous and blessed Easter. - The Knights of Columbus.

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