Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin

Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin

Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin Sept. 2023
...Fr Tom was motivated to serve the World Wide Marriage Encounter program and in semi-retirement from parish assignment, was elected to international levels of leadership and traveled frequently to facilitate growing this organization. His tireless farm-raised work ethic was only surpassed by his d...

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Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin August 2023
Download Full PDF HERE From Your State Chaplain ...that night I prayed intensely on the vigil of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It helped me move forward the next day and act with courage and confidence as I was challenged with the difficult decisions that needed to be made ab...

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WY Cowboy Newsletter - July 2023
DOWNLOAD FULL PDF Brother Knights in Wyoming, Last weekend we had the summer meeting of State Officers and District Deputies. It was a very good meeting and very productive. Our District Deputies include Greg Hampson, Steve Grapes, Rick Hannon, Brad Bettelo, Tom Ryder, Mike Wellmann, Larry Esp...

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Wyoming Cowboy Bulletin June 2023
Read Full PDF Here Brother Knights: I want to thank all of you for your vote of confidence in electing me your new State Deputy. I would like to thank Ron Morris for his 2 years of service to the State as State Deputy. Of course, June is election month. All Councils should be holding elections...

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WY Cowboy Newsletter May 2023
Download Full PDF  Wyoming Catholic Men's Retreat - Aug. 11th-13th   SILVER ROSE PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT The Silver Rose will be arriving in Wyoming on May 21st and ending on June 10th, 2023. In addition to the Silver Rose, the state council will provide Silver Rose Prayer Servi...

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Wyoming Cowboy Newsletter
Download PDF Here From Our Faith Director Dear Brother Knights, The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, nations always progress through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual ...

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Cowboy Bulletin March 2023
Download Full PDF STATE CONVENTION NOTICE KNIHTS OF ACTION THE IMPORTANCE OF BROTHERHOOD AND OUR FAITH Location: Webinar Link - https://tinyurl.com/KofCEventReyes Flyer: CLICK HERE Flyers for Printing: 8x11 Poster size MESSAGE FROM STATE COUNCIL    

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WY Cowboy Bulletin Feb. 2023
DOWNLOAD FULL PDF 1st Annual Blazing Saddles Chili-Cook off and Pony Racing Where: Powell Eagles Hall, 131 N. Clark St. When: February 18th 2023 Time: 2:00- bring chili and put on the finishing touches 3:00- doors open to the public, Drinks, Chili, Hot Dogs, Snacks 3:00-3:30 Jockey sign up...

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WY Cowboy Bulletin Jan 2023
Download Full PDF From Our State Chaplain Recently we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany. The Three Wise Men have made a long journey led by the star. Have you ever noticed that it doesn't actually say how many magi there are? Since there are three gifts, it makes sense to portray thr...

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